Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Discussion 17

Discussion 17

Q In this video, you'll explore how psychologists study the origins of self-identity, self-esteem, and the social determinants of self-concepts. You'll also learn about some of the emotional and motivational consequences of self-esteem. The Self (Links to an external site.) In 75-100 words, briefly comment on one or more aspects of the video. Respond to at least two other students in 75-100 words. You may find various parts of the video interesting, including: • William James' description of the Material, Spiritual, and Social self • The concept of Individuation • Sigmund Freud's vs. Carl Rogers' attitude toward the self • The relation of schemas to one's Self Concept • Albert Bandura's concept of Self Efficacy • Patricia Ryan's explanation of Status Transactions • The concept of Behavioral Conformation • The concept of Cultural Context and the self • Alfred Adler's concept of the Creative self • Teresa Amabile's findings on Creativity and the self Note: Click the options button in the upper right corner to see the rubric for this exercise.

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I found that the concept of cultural context and self to be interesting because of how big of an effect it might have on our identity. Cultural psychologist Hazel Markus starts by telling us that to have an identity, in general, it must be part of a cultural context and that we may exist as a living breathing person but without culture, we have no identity. This makes sense because of think of people of various ethnic backgrounds usually share traits and traditions that make a person who they are and determine how they act.